04 August 2011

One Year Ago & My Latest Challenge

Approximately one year ago, newly wed Brandon and I were sadly bidding Paris "au revoir!" Paris was a city that I had dreamed of visiting ever since I can remember, and our visit there not only fulfilled my expectations, but overwhelmingly exceeded them. Nowhere but California could ever truly feel like home to me, but if souls have homes, then mine most definitely resides in Paris!

All photos by moi

On the last night of our honeymoon, we made a plan to return for our tenth wedding anniversary; yet, somehow I have not given up hope that we will meet again in between now and then! ;)  In preparation for our future visits I have taken on the challenge of learning to speak French! Brandon bought me Rosetta Stone: French for my birthday, which I have found not only to be effective, but refreshingly simple and fun! Since I am a pretty passionate person, I tend to dive into a new hobby full force only to give it up once the initial obsession and enthusiasm subsides.  But this time I vow: I will not quit until I can say I am fluent!  And on our next visit to Paris, whenever that may be, I hope to impress with my practically Parisian accent, rather than make the ice cream vendors laugh at my mispronunciation of chocolat (like last time!)
