One of my childhood fantasies was to be just like Sarah in the movie A Little Princess... especially in the scene when she goes to sleep in the attic of an orphanage and wakes up to an extravagant Indian feast. As a child, I remember being genuinely enamored with the vivid colors, the opulent textiles, the delicious looking food, and just the sheer magic of it all. I guess you could say that the message of the movie, that all girls are princesses, just really resonated with me. ;)
If you don't want the feast to end, go check out the beautiful behind-the-scenes images featured on The Coveteur!
Which country's fashion (not including your native country) influences your wardrobe the most? For me, the answer would probably be France, or England. But after gazing upon this inspiration by Chanel, I'd definitely like to start injecting a little more India!