UPDATE on 12/25: The surgeon was able to remove the tumor on Glynda's pancreas, which was a huge blessing. About a week after the initial surgery, the doctors realized that her liver had been nicked, which was causing blood to leak into her stomach. She went into emergency surgery, which was successful, but that episode definitely scared everyone. She is still in the midst of a long recovery process, and we're still waiting for the pathology results to come in. Thank you for your prayers!
Many of you who followed my wedding blog may remember Brandon's grandmother, who let me wear her high school prom dress as my getaway dress at our reception.
My family and friends know Glynda as "Brandon's grammy." Well, Glynda was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. This has been a shocking blow to our family. But at the same time, we know that she is in God's hands, and there is no safer place to be! Today she is having an intense surgery that could potentially turn things around. Even if it goes well, she will be recovering in the hospital for the next month, followed by many more months of weekly hospital visits.
I just wanted to send this post out into Internet-land today, in an effort to collect as many prayers for Glynda as possible. Please pray for her today, specifically, and also in the months ahead. Thank you so much for your prayers and good thoughts!