07 September 2011

McFancy and High Fashion Branding

Doing a little brainstorming on this rainy afternoon for a project I'm working on that involves fashion branding.  This kind of research is right up my alley, as I just can't get enough of analyzing the future of branding in the rapidly evolving social media world that we live in. Reflecting on this caused me to recall a little project called "McFancy" that I stumbled across a couple years ago on The Cool Hunter. I thought I'd share it, in case you missed it when it initially made its way through Blog Land.

The concept involves increasing the value of McDonald's comfort food to the sophisticated and influential clientele that attends Fashion Weeks around the globe.  This is done by altering the packaging and store ambience to make a playful nod toward the high fashion scene.  It's amazing how much branding has changed just in the past couple years, since I originally found McFancy to be so thought-provoking.  Today consumers want to be surprised and stumped by their favorite brands; they expect not only a great product, but a unique experience. These unique experiences that occur when an individual interacts with a brand give people something to talk about; and now that the average consumer not only chats with her girlfriends over coffee, but also shares via blogging, Facebook, and Twitter, that's what creates brand awareness.


Photos by Marija Ivkovic / Designed and Styled Amy Moss of EatDrinkChic  

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In your opinion, what's the most memorable stunt that a company has pulled to raise brand awareness?